基 本 情 况
姓 名: 崔一雄
职 称: 副教授
邮 箱: cuiyixiong@bsu.edu.cn
简 历
2020.12—今 :北京体育大学体育工程学院,副教授
2014.10—2015.09,西班牙马德里网球协会(暨Two Worlds Madrid Tennis Academy网球学院),青少年网球运动员技战术与体能助理教练
2012.10—2013.06:西班牙萨拉曼卡Hispano Continental语言学校进修,西班牙语C1.1等级
[1]. Cui, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, HY, Gómez, M.-Á., Wei, R. & Liu, Y. (2020). Effect of seeding system on competitive performance of elite players during tennis Grand Slams. Frontiers in Psychology. 11(1294).
[2]. Cui, Y., Gómez, M.-Á., Liu, HY, Liu H. & Gonçalves, B. (2020). Set-to-set Performance Variation in Tennis Grand Slams: Play with Consistency and Risks. Journal of Human Kinetics. 73(1).
[3]. Cui, Y., Gómez, M.-Á., Gonçalves, B., & Sampaio, J. (2019). Clustering tennis players’ anthropometric and individual features helps to reveal performance fingerprints. European Journal of Sport Science, 19(8), 1032-1044.
[4]. Cui, Y., Liu, F., Bao, D., Liu, HY, Zhang, S. & Gómez, M.-Á. (2019). Key Anthropometric and Physical Determinants for Different Playing Positions during National Basketball Association Draft Combine Test. Frontiers in Psychology. 10(2359).
[5]. Cui, Y., Liu, HY, Liu, H., Gómez, M.-Á. (2019). Data-driven analysis of point-by-point performance for male tennis player in Grand Slams. Motricidade, 15(1), 49-61.
[6]. Cui, Y., Gómez, M.-Á., Gonçalves, B., & Sampaio, J. (2018). Performance profiles of professional female tennis players in grand slams. PLOS ONE, 13(7), e0200591.
[7]. Cui, Y., Gómez, M.-Á., Gonçalves, B., Liu, H., & Sampaio, J. (2017). Effects of experience and relative quality in tennis match performance during four Grand Slams. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 17(5), 1-19.
[8]. Zhou, Y., Zong, S.*, Cao, R., Gómez, M.-Á., Chen, C., & Cui, Y.* (2023). Using network science to analyze tennis stroke patterns. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 170, 113305.
[9]. Li, Y., Zong, S., Shen, Y.*, Pu, Z., Gómez, M.-Á., & Cui, Y.* (2022). Characterizing player’s playing styles based on player vectors for each playing position in the Chinese Football Super League. Journal of Sports Sciences, 40(14), 1629-1640.
[10]. Ruan, L., Ge, H., Gómez, M.-Á., Shen, Y., Gong, B., & Cui, Y.* (2022). Analysis of defensive playing styles in the professional Chinese Football Super League. Science and Medicine in Football, 1-9.
[11]. Ruan, L., Ge, H., Shen, Y., Pu, Z., Zong, S.*, & Cui, Y.* (2022). Quantifying the Effectiveness of Defensive Playing Styles in the Chinese Football Super League. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
[12]. Jiang, J., Ge, H., Du, L., Gomez, M.-Á., Gong, B., & Cui, Y.* (2022). Impact of Match Type and Match Halves on Referees’ Physical Performance and Decision-Making Distance in Chinese Football Super League. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
[13]. Yu, J., Cui, Y.*, & Xiao, D. (2022). Effects of match forms and outcomes on phase-based elite male table tennis match performance. Kinesiology, 54(1), 72-81.
[14]. Jiang, J., Ge, H., & Cui, Y.* (2022). Effect of tournament format change on team performance of Chinese Football Super League during COVID-19 pandemic.[Efecto del cambio de formato del torneo en el rendimiento del equipo de la Superliga de China de Fútbol durante la pandemia de COVID-19]. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 18(68), 72-85.
[15]. 赵月, 崔一雄*, 刘鸿优, & 曹润. (2022). 基于大满贯赛事表现的职业男子网球选手致胜要素分析. 北京体育大学学报, 45(04), 78-90.
[16]. Liu, H., Leng, B., Li, Q., Liu, Y., Bao, D., & Cui, Y.* (2021). The Effect of Eight-Week Sprint Interval Training on Aerobic Performance of Elite Badminton Players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2).
[17]. Guo, Z., Huang, Y., Zhou, Z., Leng, B., Gong, W., Cui, Y.*, & Bao, D.* (2021). The Effect of 6-Week Combined Balance and Plyometric Training on Change of Direction Performance of Elite Badminton Players. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(2111).
[18]. 张绍良, 董芮, 王星, 张铭鑫, & 崔一雄*. (2021). 基于分位数回归模型的高水平篮球比赛制胜因素探析——以2019 FIBA男子篮球世界杯为例. 体育学刊, 28(1),133-138.
[19]. Li, Y., Ma, R., Gonçalves, B., Gong, B., Cui, Y.*, & Shen, Y.* (2020). Data-driven team ranking and match performance analysis in Chinese Football Super League, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 141, 110330.
[20]. Yu, Q., Gai, Y., Gómez, M.-Á., & Cui, Y.* (2020). Using Passing Network Measures to Determine the Performance Difference between Foreign and Domestic Outfielder Players in Chinese Football Super League. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 15(3), 398-404.
[21]. Gong, B., Cui, Y.*, Gai, Y., Yi, Q., & Gómez, M.-Á. (2019). The validity and reliability of Live Football Match Statistics from Champdas Master Match Analysis System. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(1339).
[22]. Guo, T., Cui, Y., Min, W., Zhang, W., Mi, J., & Shen, Y. (2023). Exploring the relationship between basketball rotation and competitive performance using substitution network analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 1-10.
[23]. Liu, H., Yang, W., Liu, H., Bao, D., Cui, Y., Ho, I. M. K., & Li, Q. (2023). A meta-analysis of the criterion-related validity of Session-RPE scales in adolescent athletes. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 15(1), 101.
[24]. Lu, C., Zhang, K., Cui, Y., Tian, Y., Wang, S., Cao, J., & Shen, Y. (2023). Development and Evaluation of a Full-Waveform Resistance Training Monitoring System Based on a Linear Position Transducer. Sensors, 23(5), 2435.
[25]. 易清, 黎涌明, 张铭鑫, 崔一雄, 刘天彪, 张绍良, et al. (2023). 运动表现分析:过去、现在与未来. 上海体育学院学报, 47(02), 88-103.
[26]. Liu, H., Li, Q., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Bao, D., Liu, H., & Cui, Y. (2022). Concurrent validity of the combined HRV/ACC sensor and physical activity diary when monitoring physical activity in university students during free-living days. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.
[27]. Shuai, Z., Dong, A., Liu, H., & Cui, Y. (2022). Reliability and Validity of an Inertial Measurement System to Quantify Lower Extremity Joint Angle in Functional Movements. Sensors, 22(3), 863.
[28]. Weng, Y., Liu, H., Ruan, T., Yang, W., Wei, H., Cui, Y., et al. (2022). Effects of flywheel resistance training on the running economy of young male well-trained distance runners. Frontiers in Physiology, 13.
[29]. Gong, B., Cui, Y., Zhang, S., Zhou, C., Yi, Q., & Gómez-Ruano, M.-Á. (2021). Impact of technical and physical key performance indicators on ball possession in the Chinese Super League. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 1-13.
[30]. Li, X., Li, C., Cui, Y., & Wong, Del. (2020). Acute Kinematics and Kinetics Responses to Wearable Resistance during Change of Direction among Soccer Players. Research in Sports Medicine. 1, 1-15.
[31]. Zhou, C., Zhang, S., Lorenzo Calvo, A., & Cui, Y. (2018). Chinese soccer association super league, 2012–2017: key performance indicators in balance games. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18(4), 645-656.
[32]. Zhang, S., Lorenzo, A., Zhou, C., Cui, Y., Gonçalves, B., & Angel Gómez, M. (2018). Performance profiles and opposition interaction during game-play in elite basketball: evidences from National Basketball Association. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 19(1), 28-48.
[33]. Méndez-Domínguez, C., Gómez-Ruano, M. A., Ruiz-Pérez, L. M., & Cui, Y. (2017). Unfavorable critical moments and way of facing them from the futsal coach’s point of view through ad hoc questionnaire. [Momentos críticos desfavorables y manera de afrontarlos desde la perspectiva del entrenador de futsal a través de un cuestionario ad hoc]. RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte, 13(50), 339-355.
[34]. 刘鸿优, 崔一雄, & 张绍良. (2016). 运动表现分析的发展及展望. 体育学刊, 02, 112-117.
[1]. 首届北京市大学生创新创业大赛优秀指导教师,北京市教育委员会
[1]. 2023.03-2024.09,国家体育总局网球管理中心,巴黎奥运备战-国家网球队数据分析服务,承担
[2]. 2022.01-2024.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,数据驱动的团队运动多时空决策与表现评价模型研究(7210010795),承担
[3]. 2020.07-2023.07,科技部2030新一代人工智能重大项目“对抗推演关键技术及系统研发”项目 (2020AAA0103404),承担子课题
[4]. 2021.12-2023.12,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题-集体球类运动比赛表现信息体系构建与竞技决策价值评价(2021TD008),承担
[5]. 2020.11-2021.01,国家体育总局网球管理中心,网球国家队统筹备战冬训运动员监控,承担
[6]. 2020.08-2020.12,中国博士后科学基金第13批特别资助(站中)(2020T130067),负责人
[7]. 2019.03-2020.03,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(2019QD033),承担
[8]. 2019年,全国博士后管理委员会“博士后国际交流计划”学术交流项目,承担
[9]. 2018年,全国博士后管理委员会“博士后国际交流计划”引进项目(全国共298人),承担